
NT Dollars
Year/Month Revenue of This Month Revenue of the Same Month Last Year Monthly Growth Rate Accumulated Growth Rate
2024/11 1,727,374 1,698,075 1.73% 3.81%
2024/10 1,674,636 1,658,614 0.97% 4.02%
2024/09 1,536,105 1,647,751 -6.78% 4.38%
2024/08 1,559,908 1,820,442 -14.31% 5.81%
2024/07 1,691,833 1,486,892 13.78% 9.15%
2024/06 1,706,686 1,595,785 6.95% 8.42%
2024/05 1,757,899 1,745,468 0.71% 8.72%
2024/04 1,730,926 1,463,741 18.25% 10.99%
2024/03 1,603,877 1,693,497 -5.29% 8.72%
2024/02 1,652,694 1,498,874 10.26% 16.63%
2024/01 1,844,245 1,499,360 23.00% 23.00%
2023/12 1,456,082 1,586,603 -8.23% 0.41%
2023/11 1,698,075 1,617,039 5.01% 1.19%
2023/10 1,658,614 1,704,887 -2.71% 0.80%
2023/09 1,647,751 1,633,734 0.86% 1.23%
2023/08 1,820,442 1,526,510 19.26% 1.27%
2023/07 1,486,892 1,508,869 -1.46% -1.20%
2023/06 1,595,785 1,761,328 -9.40% -1.16%
2023/05 1,745,468 1,624,357 7.46% 0.69%
2023/04 1,463,741 1,619,858 -9.64% -1.07%
2023/03 1,693,497 1,744,645 -2.93% 1.94%
2023/02 1,498,874 1,370,144 9.40% 4.92%
2023/01 1,499,360 1,487,456 0.80% 0.80%
2022/12 1,586,603 1,445,961 9.73% 15.83%
2022/11 1,617,039 1,496,445 8.06% 16.42%
2022/10 1,704,887 1,368,230 24.61% 17.34%
2022/09 1,633,734 1,436,901 13.70% 16.52%
2022/08 1,526,510 1,324,818 15.22% 16.90%
2022/07 1,508,869 1,371,797 9.99% 17.13%
2022/06 1,761,328 1,442,880 22.07% 18.34%
2022/05 1,624,357 1,362,275 19.24% 17.54%
2022/04 1,619,858 1,359,787 19.13% 17.10%
2022/03 1,744,645 1,438,368 21.29% 16.40%
2022/02 1,370,144 1,191,059 15.04% 13.60%
2022/01 1,487,456 1,324,347 12.32% 12.32%
2021/12 1,445,961 1,278,889 13.06% 15.06%
2021/11 1,496,445 1,232,668 21.40% 15.25%
2021/10 1,368,230 1,268,689 7.85% 14.61%
2021/09 1,436,901 1,230,277 16.79% 15.42%
2021/08 1,324,818 1,260,148 5.13% 15.24%
2021/07 1,371,797 1,320,186 3.91% 16.81%
2021/06 1,442,880 1,221,037 18.17% 19.32%
2021/05 1,362,275 950,017 43.39% 19.57%
2021/04 1,359,787 804,857 68.95% 14.68%
2021/03 1,438,368 1,267,261 13.50% 3.27%
2021/02 1,191,059 1,255,449 -5.13% -1.79%
2021/01 1,324,347 1,305,764 1.42% 1.42%
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